A lot can change over the course of a year. People move, business open and close, roads and highways may change, and local governments alter protocols on how and what they communicate with the public. Oftentimes many of these minor changes seem just that – minor – in everyday, normal life. It’s easy to adapt your route to the store if a road is closed, or take your time to look up the information you need to find about your municipality when your phone and home internet connection are working as they should. However, when disaster strikes, even what seems like a minor inconvenience under normal circumstances can become a major problem quickly. That’s why each year citizens are encouraged to evaluate their emergency plans which include pet disaster preparedness in June.
Evacuations for natural disasters and other emergencies are incredibly stressful times. To best prepare for any emergency situation, you should begin long before the disaster occurs. Having a pre-emergency checklist for your pup is an excellent way to start.
By taking the time to create a checklist of all the essentials for your pup, you’ll be able to create a complete emergency kit. This way, when disaster strikes you will not have to worry about gathering items, you’ll be already be prepared to walk out the door.

The concept of a “Go” bag has been around for ages. The concept is simple, all of you essentials should be pre-packed into a bag you can easily grab, walk out the door with and carry for an extended period of time. The same concept applies for your pup. Here are some items to consider for you pup’s “Go” bag.
- One to two weeks of food, treats, and bottled water
- Prescription medications including heart worm and flea medicine
- Pet records sealed in a waterproof bag or container
- Current photos of your pups
- A pet first aid kit
- List of dog friendly hotels and evacuation shelters in the area.

In the case of natural disasters, it’s important to know where you will go if you need to evacuate, and what route and alternate route you can take to get there. Being based in Florida hurricanes are a real threat every summer. We make sure to know the current government shelters that allow pets and the route to get there. because trees can fall and block roadways even leading up to a hurricane, we’ve prepared at least one alternate route to each shelter just in case.
Understanding and assessing what natural disasters are common in your area, especially if you recently moved, is a critical part of your pet disaster preparedness plan. By knowing what the potential disaster entails, you’ll be able to prepare for the specific situation.
By taking care of the basics under normal circumstances as a loving pet parent, you’re helping yourself prepare for a disaster. By keeping regularly scheduled vet appointments and vaccinations, you’ll ensure your pup is healthy and ready for anything.
Additionally, make sure your pup is microchipped in the event you are separated. This way once they are found, you can be reunited quickly. If your dog already microchipped like many are, ensure your contact information is up to date. When people move or change phone numbers, they often forget to update this info with the microchip company.

Many pet parents live busy lives between work, family, friends, and quality time with their pup! Natural disasters and other emergency situations are generally not on the forefront of people’s minds. With June coming to a close, make sure you head into the second part of 2020 with a comprehensive pet disaster preparedness plan. This way, when the unexpected does occur, you and your furry family member will be safe and sound together!
Want to join the conversation and share your pet disaster preparedness plan? Join our Facebook community here, we’d love to hear from you!